What is the Best Electric Coffee Grinder for French Press?

If you are just beginning your coffee making journey, finding the right equipment can be an intimidating process.
Once you've found your perfect coffee maker, finding a great grinder is the best next step to take. Chances are if you're reading this post, you're wanting to know about the best entry level electric coffee grinder.
For coffee beginners who are still discovering their favorite way to drink coffee, we recommend the Baratza Encore Burr Electric Coffee Grinder.
It's easy to use and has over 40 grind settings so that a brand new coffee user can experiment with finding their perfect grind size.
The burrs in the Baratza Encore are engineered to give an accurate grind every time. The design is sleek and compact, making it a small but powerful grinder that fits on any kitchen surface.
The Baratza Encore Burr Coffee Grinder really is the best entry level electric coffee grinder, and when you're ready, you can purchase one here.
We offer the best customer service, satisfaction guaranteed, and one year of insurance for accidental breaks with every purchase.
Baratza Encore Review - Best for the budget - Electric Coffee Grinder for French Press
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