Baratza Grinders for Sale
If you're unfamiliar with coffee grinders, we've outlined the best Baratza Coffee Grinders for French Press (course grind) and Aeropress (fine-medium grind) so you can make an educated decision.

Interesting Fact: BARATZA™ (bah-’rah-tsa) suggests (from Arabic and Swahili) a place where locals gather to drink coffee.
Since its inception in 1999, Baratza has offered high-quality, state-of-the-art grinders (Encore, Virtuoso, Vario, Sette, Forté) for those who care about making the best coffees. Created by the dynamic team of Kyle Anderson and Kyra Kennedy, Baratza quickly become known as the company to turn to for innovation, quality, and consistency.
See also: The 6 Best Manual Coffee Grinders for French Press and Aeropress